Donna Negus Yoga
Donna Negus Yoga
Foundation Course 2
To be confirmed
Information about the course:
BWY verified. This course is open to those who are interested yogis and may have completed the Foundation Course 1 (but not necessary) or are experienced practitioners and teachers.
You will join me on an exploration of the role yoga can play in our lives to allow us to feel more centred and promote wellbeing. I have been practicing yoga for over 30 years and teaching as a BWY teacher since 2005. My practice is profoundly influenced by the insights Vanda Scaravelli gave us and I have been a long term student of Sophy Hoare and Diane Long. I have also completed courses run by Peter Blackaby and am a registered mindfulness teacher with MindfulnessUK where I have trained to teach the MBSR and cultivate compassion and mindfulness.
This Yoga Foundation course gives us time to understand specific asanas; anatomy and physiology, benefits, precautions and why we practice in a particular way and what is the ‘right’ way for us.
The philosophy behind the practice of Yoga will be interwoven to allow us to gain insight into not just why we practice Yoga but allow us to understand its relevance in the lives we lead today.
You will be encouraged to keep a diary to map your asana and pranayama practice as well as meditation and you will be supported along the way. There is written work for you to complete and home study time is allocated within the course plan and delivery.
Ultimately, this course aims for you to continue to deepen your knowledge and ensure you stay interested in a journey of self-discovery that allows you to know yourself and cultivate feelings of well-being, compassion and care for yourself as well as others.
This is a great way to inspire your practice and learn from fellow yogis. If you plan to teach in the future this course will give you a wonderful base from which to start. I plan to teach the BWY teaching course January 2024.
To join the FC2 course you have to be a BWY member (£37)
Course fees include registration fee
Total cost = £760 (inclusive of deposit and registration fee but not annual BWY membership)
£260 non- refundable deposit required to secure your place on application.
You are also required to be a member of the BWY (annual membership £37)
Payment options available (monthly instalment plan available)
Please note: it will be helpful for you to have a copy of The Heart of Yoga (T.K.V Desikachar) to refer to for Patanjali’s philosophy of yoga
For an application, more information and booking form please contact me using the contact form on this site.

Foundation Course 1
Foundation Course 1
This course is run nationally and verified by the British Wheel of Yoga. It is ideal for you if you want to deepen your knowledge of Yoga and have a clearer idea of how to develop a home practice.
You will gain a deeper understanding of breathing practices (pranayama) asanas (postures) and relaxation techniques as well as learn about the philosophy and roots of Yoga in a non-biased way. I believe that yoga should be practiced in a way that benefits the life we lead and so the guided talks and discussions will cultivate ways in which we can use our yoga practice to enhance wellbeing and benefit our health. In this way, you will be encouraged to practice regularly throughout the course and you will be provided with handouts and support to help this take place. The course is structured in a way to ensure it is both enjoyable and beneficial.
There is no written work or formal assessments and is an ideal preparation if you want to go on to train as a yoga teacher in the future, or if you just want to deepen your knowledge of practices that are not often taught in your regular yoga class.
The course will take place over one Saturday a month for 10 months
Next course to be arranged
You will attain a Certificate awarded by the British Wheel of Yoga on completion of the course and this is advantageous ( but not a requirement) when applying to join a BWY Diploma Course.
*You will be required to join the British Wheel of Yoga to take this course
(Annual membership - bwy.org.uk)