Donna Negus Yoga
Donna Negus Yoga

Teaching Diploma Course
This course started June 2024. The next teacher training course will start 2027.
This level 4 Diploma course is Ofqual regulated and verified through the BWY, the governing body of yoga for England.
I have built a teaching career in yoga through dedication and commitment to the understanding that Yoga allows us to increase our sense of wellbeing and realise that we have no need to chase after what we think we should be, or want we think we want but can rest in awareness of who we are.
This knowledge will be explored within the course in an accessible way related to the lives we lead today.
This Diploma course will give you time to weave Philosophical texts and traditional teaching with asana, anatomy, breathing and meditation techniques. Your practice will grow and your confidence in teaching will be encouraged in every way you need.
Y​​ou will learn the appropriate anatomy and physiology required to teach and practice posture and breath work and be given free access to an online course (Dr Yogi) that is usually sold for £500. This course will prove invaluable to your learning and underpin assignments that require knowledge in this area.
You will become familiar with breathing techniques and how they aid our wellbeing. Your yogic journey will take you understanding the integral history of yoga and the wonderful teachings that the early yogic texts have given us. In this way, your learning will be enriched and the progression to meditative awareness will be paved. All this will aid you in becoming a confident and informed yoga teacher.

About the Tutor: Donna Negus
I have been practicing yoga for over 35 years and teaching since 2004 in the Romford, Essex area. I also run retreats and workshops. I am a BWY Foundation course tutor and also trained and teach Mindfulness.
My yoga practice and teaching is profoundly influenced by the insights Vanda Scaravelli gave us. I was taught ( one to one) with Sophy Hoare (one of Vanda’s students) for 15 years and now regularly visit Diane Long in Italy (student of Vanda for 23 years). This way of practicing brings us into contact with our body as it is. Our awareness and attention are key and underlying this is the deep-seated knowledge that our body responds to care and not force.
My yoga journey has also brought me into contact with Peter Blackaby and I have completed several courses he has run including Humanist and Grounded yoga. I also attend workshops with Angela Farmer and Sandra Sabatini.
My meditative influences are derived from the concepts of mindfulness and I have completed several courses with MindfulnessUK and am a registered teacher.
Yoga has been a constant influence in my life and I believe wholeheartedly in the power it can bring us and the wellbeing that can be felt. I look forward to you joining me on the journey.